Advocate Health Care
Advocate Heart Institute has more top cardiologists, in more locations, performing more heart procedures than any other hospital in Illinois. All that experience leads to expertise, and we wanted to raise awareness of Advocate's heart health services to help lead more patients to better outcomes.
To bring awareness for this great cause, we shot a series of vignettes featuring families, doctors, student atheltes and seniors. The vignettes were edited into one brand them :30 and 4 :15 videos for use in TV, OOH and digital media encouraging participation in the free screening program.
One goal with this campaign was to champion to the doctors that lead this expertise, while keeping the focus on those affected by heart disease to encourage them to participate in a free health assessment.
Student athletes are at an elevated risk for heart complications, but few people are aware of their elevated risk. This :15 was aimed at that issue, while supporting a great cause, young hearts for life.
For many seniors, heart health is less about running marathons, and more about being able to enjoy their day-to-day activities. This :15 painted the picture of what recover can be for those who choose to prioritize their heart health.
Many patients choose their doctor based on reputation. This vignette highlights the incredible acheivements and resume of the Advocate Heart Institute doctors.
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