Blue Cross + Blue Shield

Enroll with those you trust, who've been with you, through it all.



In a fluctuating polical environment, many people had questions about how their health care coverage would look in the future. Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a name they can trust, to help guide them as new regulations, and changes to the health care system begin to affect us all.


Blue Cross and Blue Shield wanted to remind folks that the typical enrollment period for health care coverage was going to be shorter in the upcoming term. At the same time, they wanted to reinforce the trust they have built with consumers that BCBS was a company that has been "through it all" before and was a reliable partner for their continued coverage and support. We shot a :60 commerical that was cut into several shorter :15 second spots that was leveraged across TV, digital, print and OOH advertising.

The spot follows a couple through major life changing events, such as getting married, moving into a new home and starting a family. For many people, these events are often what triggers a change in their health care coverage and they are also the moments that people have the most interaction with their coverage, outside of needing to actually use it.




12 weeks


Adobe Premier Pro, Live Action


Branding & Idenity



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